
What is STUXNET?? It could be the reason for WW3??

STUXNET  is a malicious computer worm, first uncovered in 2010, thought to have been in development since at least 2005. Stuxnet targets  supervisory control and data acquisition  (SCDCA) systems and is believed to be responsible for causing substantial damage to the nuclear program of IRAN Although neither country has openly admitted responsibility, the worm is widely understood to be a cyberweapon built jointly by the United States and Israel. Stuxnet reportedly destroyed numerous centrifuges in Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment facility by causing them to burn themselves out. Over time, other groups modified the virus to target facilities including water treatment plants, power plants, and gas lines. Recognition of such threats exploded in June 2010 with the discovery of Stuxnet, a 500-kilobyte computer worm that infected the software of at least 14 industrial sites in Iran, including a uranium-enrichment plant. Although a computer virus relies on an unwitting victim to install it,

Hackers sell personal data of 267 million Facebook users for Rs 41,500 only on Darkweb

A group of Hackers from San Francisco  have sold personal data of a whopping 267 million Facebook users for just Rs 41,500 (approximately 547 Dollar) that includes email addresses, names, Facebook IDs, dates of birth and phone numbers. Thankfully, no passwords of the 267 million Facebook users were exposed by the hacker, according to the cyber risk assessment platform Cyble. The Cyble researchers executed the sale and were able to download and verify the data. In December last year, reports surfaced that a database containing names and phone numbers of more than 267 million users was exposed online. The database was made available for download on an online hacker forum, according to a blog post on the website Comparitech. Do you have still faith in Facebook's ability to protect you privacy? Or do you just not care anymore?we need your opinion! Give us your opinion on comment section!

How To Create A Wordlist On Termux?

How to Creat a Wordlist? If you are doing a Brute Force attack then first you need to creat a Wordlist.  At first you need to know how to use Termux apk on Android. So see my previous writing on Termux.  So Bruteforce Attack is one of the well known attack. So first You need to download Termux Apk. Open Termux App. Use Command :  $ pip install nano Now : $nano You will get a interface as shown below! Now Write whatever you want on this page. Then Press : Ctrl+x Press  y Write file name like - password.txt(as this file will save as Text File) Then Press Enter You will get your Text File ready.  P.S. — Write file extension as .txt . Because we need a text file to to do Bruteforce Attack. Thank you

what is Your Identity!?????

  What  is your Identity?? There are two types of identity.  1. Your Offline Identity. 2. Your Online Identity. • What is your Offline Identity?  Your Offline Identity is known as your name, your house address, your father's name, your mother's name! Your friends know about your hobbies, about your choices. That's called your Offline Identity. • What is your online Identity? Your Online Identity is known as your email, your phone number. If you have a Facebook account and you mentioned something about you , that's your online Identity.  Most of the teenage People share thair details when they are trying to open a Dating Site. There are lots of popular Dating site. And your online Identity store on their Database. We all are living  Information Age. And Information is our asset. So don't play with your information.

What Is Termux?

Watch A Detailed Video On Termux Termux  is an  Android  terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. You can download it from play store or from official website of Termux.   You can access remote server using ssh(Secure Shell) Client from OpenSSH . You can install packages  using  APT  package Management system.  Updated version of Perl , Python , Ruby , Node.js . You can run your python script using a  Termux terminal.